To You, O God, we give thanks.
We give thanks for the morning, when joy comes to us.
We give thanks for the evening, when we meditate on your love.
We give thanks for the in-between, the working hours, the accomplishing hours; when we must practice gratitude amidst distraction and busyness.
We give thanks for the long dark of night, when our souls and bodies assimilate and regenerate.
We give thanks for the people we love effortlessly, but also for the people who chafe and challenge us.
We give thanks for our enemies, who teach us to bless and forgive.
We give thanks for our families, who teach us grace and forbearance.
We give thanks for those whose lives we touch only momentarily - may we be a lasting blessing.
We give thanks for the boisterous, jubilant seasons.
We give thanks for the subtle, quiet seasons.
We give thanks for the seasons of difficulty and pain.
May we emerge from each bearing the image of Christ Jesus.
We give thanks both when we are certain, and when uncertainty plagues us; both in the black and white, and in the gray.
We give thanks to You, acknowledging that every drop and morsel that sustains us comes from Your hand; that our place in the universe exists because You created it; and that Your purposes exceed the bounds of our imagining.