Gracious God,
We are grateful for the precious lives you have entrusted into our care. These children are our blessing and our gift.
We acknowledge that they are in our care only temporarily, and will soon outgrow their need for us.
We acknowledge that the path of parenting can at times be difficult, challenging, and painful.
May we selflessly give of ourselves to our children.
May we faithfully engage in self-care, that we may give of our overflow.
May we constantly be in Your presence, drawing from You what we need to parent well.
May we clearly see each child’s needs and individuality, and provide for each with love.
May we teach our children discipline and set boundaries for their protection.
May we parent our children with emotional honesty, authenticity, and willingness to admit our weakness.
May we remember that parenting is an opportunity for expressing creativity and uniqueness.
May our experience of raising our children be joyful, for us and for them.
When our patience is running low, renew our supply.
When our children annoy us, help us to moderate our irritation.
When our children seem endlessly needy, give us resources.
When our tempers flare, give us grace and humility.
When we are tired and wanting to be lazy, give us new strength.
When we make mistakes, may we quickly acknowledge them and seek forgiveness.
When we become disconnected from our children, show us the way to connection and communication.
When we forget who our children are at the present time, at their particular stages of development, give us gentle reminders.
When we have inappropriate expectations, set us to rights.
May we imitate your perfect model of parenting:
always patient
always gracious
firm yet loving
establishing boundaries
meeting needs with kindness.
We recognize that ultimately are children are in Your care, and Your love for them eclipses our own.