Good Friday (Year A): Litany for Love and Suffering

This litany is based on a reading of the Gospel Lectionary text for Good Friday Year A: John 18:1 - 19:42. I have added the reference to forgiveness, which is found in Luke’s account and not in John’s. 

God, we know that some losses are unavoidable,
But they punch us in the gut anyway.
Just like the story of Christ’s crucifixion
Gets us every time. ..

Maundy Thursday (Year A): Litany for Christ our Companion

Hi! In 2019 I moved much of my work over to Patreon
as part of my effort to make this work sustainable.
So thanks for reading and subscribing.
You can find archived litanies here, and purchase my book here.

I am particularly struck in the Maundy Thursday* readings by Jesus’ dismissal of hierarchy in John 13. He says baldly, “I tell you, servants are not greater than their master, nor are messengers greater than the one who sent them.” In washing the feet of his friends, he establishes once and for all that hierarchy has no place in his Kindom. He tells them and us that we should follow his example of sacred service, of the dignity of every human, of undoing and resisting hierachies and domination systems of all kinds. 

It’s a beautiful, countercultural message. Everything we think we knew about how the world works, Jesus unravels with a basin of water and a simple act of care.

God, you have shown us your love
And your nature,
In the person of Christ,
Who washed the feet of his friends (1),

*See also “Litany for Maundy Thursday” from 2016 Year A

Easter Sunday (Year C): Litany for Resurrection Flow

Hello! I’m happy to be sharing my Easter Sunday, which I happen to really like this year. If you haven’t taken advantage of my Patreon, it’s easy to jump in. Thanks for reading. And may the Peace of
Christ be upon you this Holy Week.

Oh God, we can feel the joy and wonder of Mary Magdalene, Joanna, and Mary (1)
As they shared the story of the empty tomb.
We share in their excitement, not because of pious ideas about personal salvation,
But because the resurrection they preached is still happening now!

Easter Day (Year B): Litany for Christ’s Life

God, in human form you lived on the earth,
Doing ordinary things;
But also doing extraordinary things:
Preaching, teaching, healing, calling.
You proclaimed the Good News from a human mouth:
The Kingdom of God is here!

Your good work and proclamation drew the attention of worldly powers
Who perceived it as a threat,
Because it was: The kingdom of God undoes everything it touches
And builds it again newly.

And, by the power of human sin, violence, and confusion -
You were killed -
A fate you did not resist, but instead accepted -
You were buried -
So that you might shame the powers, and teach them a new way:
You were resurrected!

Hallelujah! This changes everything!
From the enemies we love, to the suffering we accept -
From the violence we reject, to the justice-mercy-healing work we do -
This Way-of-God-come-down-to-earth completely rearranges our perspective!

For Christ has torn the temple down
And rebuilt it.
The Way of God came down.
The Way of God lives on in us.



Maundy Thursday (Year A): Litany for Dinner and Foot-washing

The Lectionary texts for Maundy Thursday include the account of the commands concerning Passover remembrance in Exodus, of Christ's celebration of Passover in 1 Corinthians, and the story of Jesus washing feet after dinner from John 13. Jesus brings the Passover story right back to himself, and then ties it up with a bow of down-and-dirty servanthood.

God, we receive the love of Christ.
We receive his great example,
We receive the power and work he demonstrated by your spirit;
And we receive the commands he has given.

This is Christ’s command:
That we love one another (John 13:34)
Just as Christ loved his disciples and others he met.
As Christ has done so must we do.

This is Christ’s example:
Washing the feet of his friends; (John 13:14-15)
Humbly doing the work of a servant
Becoming vulnerable, laying down his life.

This is Christ’s legacy
Which we receive as the gift of heaven:
Where once there was sacrifice,
Now there is mercy.  (Hosea 6:6)
Where once there was flesh and blood,
Now there are bread and wine. (1 Corinthians 11:23-26)

The mercy of God has been made known in the body of Christ.
The character of God has been made known in the work of Christ.
He has shown us a way forward,
And we will follow the path of peace.
