Easter 7, Year B (2021): Litany for Straddling the Worlds

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In this week's text from John 17, Jesus is praying for his people. The reading seems like he's praying for his own specific group with whom he's spent the last several years leading up to the crucifixion. But we receive this insider glimpse into his mind - how he thinks about these people he loves, the responsibility he feels for their growth and well-being. This prayer is pastoral, but it's also... familial. Like, brotherly: 'listen pops I tried really hard to keep the kids out of trouble...'

There's also an aspect of it that feels sortof like a personal pep-talk - Jesus knows what's coming will be hard, but he's come this far and he's gearing up for the next phase, cataloguing his successes and mourning his losses (Judas). He leans hard on themes of unity, Oneness, and of belonging, not to paradigms of the world but to the paradigm of Heaven.

I find myself in deep gratitude for this peek into the cry of Jesus’ heart today; how human it is, how vulnerable. We see him, not as a victor (yet), but as a human person on the cusp of literal crucible. I resonate with this Jesus, and I love him - the one who goes to suffering with his beloveds on his mind. And I like to think that when he prayed for them he prayed for me.

Also, I’m seeing how Jesus is praying them right into a new world, a new way of being. And I echo those prayers for protection, for help, for Oneness, for living with one foot in heaven and the other navigating life on earth, straddling two worlds.

God, as Jesus prays for his group of beloved friends,
We pray for ourselves and each other:
Protect us, God (1);
Bring us to an understanding of Oneness;
Make our joy complete (2);
Fill us with truth (3)….

Easter 4, Year B (2021): Litany for Love in Action

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Here is the litany I wrote for the last cycle, Year B, Easter Week 4: Litany for the Good Shepherd

For Easter Week 4 Year B in 2018, my litany focused on John 10, the “I am the Good Shepherd” passage. This year I’m leaning on the Lectionary Epistle, 1 John 3.

God, we know that if we say we love you
And neglect to love our neighbors,
Our words are empty
And our faith is practically useless

Easter 3, (Year B 2021): Litany for Peace Be With You

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I find that, occasionally, it makes sense to offer a prayer or liturgy with a simple refrain. It offers a place to mentally land for a few moments, especially in a litany dealing with heavy topics. This week, given the news, feels like one of those weeks. Also, sometimes we need to say a thing aloud a bunch of times to get it into our thick skulls :)

Sunday I preached a sermon about inner peace being an inside job and a choice that we get to make out of our free will about whether to take Christ up on the invitation into let "Peace be with you" regardless of what's happening around us.

And then we are confronted with news of more killings, more injustice, more police violence. (RIP Duante Wright, Lord have mercy.)

I even got news from my best friend that she is suddenly in hospital having emergency surgery.

Bad news is another opportunity for me to practice this lesson. To practice the Peace Within (John 20: 19) regardless of how the world, events, other people, etc are behaving or feeling.

I'm reminded of the hymn lyrics: "Thou wilt keep [them] in perfect peace / whose mind is stayed on Thee."

And I'm convinced that keeping that inner peace fire stoked, we are able to access more empathy, more compassion, and more right action. When we are not spinning our wheels in worry, anxiety, and emotional turbulence (here is the growth edge for me) we are better problem solvers and justice-doers. Today I'm even more sure that Inner Peace is an important Fulcrum of Transformation.

This is difficult spiritual work. Inner peace is not apathy. It's a radical restructuring of our way of being in the world.

We hear the voice of Christ speaking:
Peace be with you (1).
Right now these words seem impossible, mind-boggling,
Even, at times, annoying….

Easter 2 (Year B 2021): Litany for Our Mission

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Helloooooo! This is me, back in real time after my Lenten rest. Thank you all for your prayers, and thanks and welcome to new patrons who have come on board during that time. I offer this litany today with renewed strength.

This week’s Lectionary gospel selection is one of my absolute favorites in scripture, second only to the Beatitudes. In John 20, Jesus, freshly risen from a tomb preceded by unimaginable trauma, speaks some of the most revolutionary and radical ideas of his career. I rarely preach a sermon or give a talk without mentioning them. In fact, I was assigned this weekend to preach at my church and when I discovered that this was the text I got a shiver of rightness. I honestly can’t get over this account of Jesus’ statements.

He does 3 radical, amazing, mind-bending things in this passage: 

1) He speaks peace, like a magic word, like a balm, like a miracle, to the disciples as they cower in fear in a locked room. “Peace be with you” he says. Which is even more crazy when you consider all the things he did NOT say in this moment. Wow. 

2) He breathes on them saying, “receive the holy spirit.” What? Just like that? Breathe it in? It was right here all along like the air? Whoooooosh and there you have it. Everything you ever needed. 

3) He tells them that if they “forgive the sins of any, they are forgiven; if you retain the sins of any, they are retained.” …. Wait like, us? Like we are the ones who have this power? Not just you, not just God? 

In this moment, the disciples are given access to all the power in the world: the power of peace, the power of the Spirit, and the power of forgiveness. This moment tells me everything I need to know about how to live a life of following Jesus and what I am to embody and spread: peace, spriit, forgiveness. Three fulcrums of transformation. And they are presented so briefly here that we might miss them if we aren’t looking for them. 

Look, go back and read and contemplate it. I hope it will give you chills like it gives me every time. 

God we lay hold of the power you have shared with us
The Peace Christ speaks out over us
The Spirit Christ breathes upon us
The Forgiveness Christ invites us to spread ….

Easter Year B 2021: Litany for Easter People

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Just as we have been finding some solace and acceptance of the cycles of nature, of death > burial > resurrection during Lent, it strikes me that we must also acknowledge what has been completed - those cycles we need no longer participate in if we believe that the Christ completed them fully in his work here on the earth in the Resurrection.

I’m thinking here of cycles of shame perpetuating harm, trauma perpetuating violence, detrimental self-sacrifice perpetuating disempowerment, and the like. 

In particular, I and so many people raised in a similar religious paradigm as I was, were taught that self-sacrifice and service to others was *the way* to live righteously; and I have witnessed the harmful fruit of that teaching in my own life and others’. Many of us sacrificed and served ourselves right out of any authentic identity or empowerment, self-confidence or self-esteem. Especially if we were women.

If we believe that Jesus came to love humanity, aren’t we part of humanity too, and deserving of that love? If we believe that Jesus came to offer “salvation” to humanity (however you interpret that - there are so many ways), aren’t you and I part of that humanity in receipt of salvation? If we believe that Jesus made the “ultimate sacrifice” why do we keep on thinking we need to do more sacrificing? If that work is complete, why do we not live as though it is?

Notice I’m offering questions. Not answers. This is where my head is as I ponder this week’s account of the resurrection of Christ, and as I enter into this more celebratory and joyful season, seeking to integrate the lessons of Lent along with the hope and joy of resurrection. 

God, we are witnesses of what Christ has done (1)

Empowered by the Holy Spirit, 

He went about doing good and healing all who were oppressed (2); 

And You, God, were with him in every moment. 

Easter 6 (Year A): Litany for The Way Through

Only 2 more Sundays in the season of Easter. Then Pentecost. Then ordinary time. In our small community here on the outskirts of the Austin Metro area, we have a family experiencing a tragic loss. This in the midst of a global pandemic and the accompanying upheaval and uncertainty. And the pandemic is overlaid atop ongoing systemic racial injustice, as we mourn the murders of Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor, and the countless other Black people who have been lynched in this country.

The Easter season is about resurrection while we are walking through a time of unveiling, and among families experiencing death. As it so often does, the Lectionary prompts me to reflect on the Now in light of its account and what wisdom I can glean from it. How to reconcile?

“In him we live and move and have our being,” the author of Acts quotes Paul as saying. “God has listened…[and] given heed to the words of my prayer,” says the Psalmist. “I will not leave you orphaned,” says the Christ in John 14. 

Here’s a prayer for us as we navigate this dissonance: the ever-present love of God alongside the pains, traumas, and losses we inevitably experience in this life. 

God, we are tested.
We are tried as silver is tried.
We are never guaranteed physical safety.
We know that with love comes risk of loss.

Easter 5 (Year A 2020): Litany for the Divine Within

Hi! In 2019 I moved much of my work over to Patreon
as part of my effort to make this work sustainable.
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Here in John 14, this week's Lectionary Gospel, we get a scene in which Jesus is winding down his pre-death-and-resurrection ministry, and it seems like he’s really sowing into his disciples. He’s sharing lesson after lesson, trying to help them understand what’s coming, where he’s going, the implications of it. He says a chapter or two earlier that his “soul is troubled” (John 12:27) and I can feel his edge here. I imagine him earnest but resigned. And he opens this soliloquy by saying “do not let your hearts be troubled;” his tone exhorting, encouraging. He affirms his Divinity as well as theirs, telling them that what he has, they share in. His resources are shared with them. His connection to God. His innate knowing of “the way” can be theirs too. 

God, as Christ is teaching us, we have your essence within us.
The Divine is within Christ (1)
Christ is within us (2),
And so The Divine is within us. 

Easter 4 (Year A 2020): Litany for the Gate

Hi! In 2019 I moved much of my work over to Patreon
as part of my effort to make this work sustainable.
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I’m prepping a sermon on this passage from John 10 this week, and lots of themes are presenting themselves to me, particularly as I read the other Lectionary passages. Christ as gate. Christ as Shepherd. Christ as Suffering Servant. Christ as “Guardian of your souls” (1 Peter 2:25). 

I’m very taken with Christ’s I AM statement: I am the gate. Ive heard this text preached many times as though Christ is the one who guards the flock and keeps them safe inside the confines of their pen, their spiritual home, their expectations and norms. Safe from heretics and marauders of the faith. But I’m seeing it now as a pathway that leads to journey, adventure, growth, learning, trial and error, uncertainty, and a broader experience of the world. 

Christ, as you taught us in the holy scriptures
You are the gate
That leads us to green pastures.
You are the gate
That opens up to still waters…

Easter 3 (Year A 2020): Litany for Walking with Christ

Hi! In 2019 I moved much of my work over to Patreon
as part of my effort to make this work sustainable.
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Here’s a litany to go along with the Lectionary passage for the 3rd Sunday in Easter, from the gospel of Luke. The Road to Emmaus is one of those few cherished post-resurrection interactions we get in on.  I have another based in this passage from 2016, available here

God, we journey through our lives, from place to place,
From experience to experience,
Often oblivious to your presence with us,
Though you were there all along

Easter 2 (Year A): Litany for Tested Faith

This passage in John 20 is one of my all-time favorites in scripture. References to it make it into most of the sermons I ever preach. The three things Jesus says here are among (aside from the Sermon on the Mount) the most impactful things he says, at least in my opinion. Peace be with you. Here is the Holy Spirit. Forgive everything. I have been mulling these over for years, and they get stronger and stronger, more radical, more profound. More indicative of how we might live, how we might go on following our traumas, how we might keep the progress of the Kin-dom going. 

Here’s a litany to follow along with it, and with the story of the ever-relatable “Doubting Thomas.” I’m hoping it will be helpful to us all as we are tested during this time of COVID-19. 

God, we are looking for signs of resurrection everywhere
We need proof.
Like Thomas, who needed to touch and see Christ’s wounds for himself,
We have doubts. …

Good Friday (Year A): Litany for Love and Suffering

This litany is based on a reading of the Gospel Lectionary text for Good Friday Year A: John 18:1 - 19:42. I have added the reference to forgiveness, which is found in Luke’s account and not in John’s. 

God, we know that some losses are unavoidable,
But they punch us in the gut anyway.
Just like the story of Christ’s crucifixion
Gets us every time. ..

Maundy Thursday (Year A): Litany for Christ our Companion

Hi! In 2019 I moved much of my work over to Patreon
as part of my effort to make this work sustainable.
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I am particularly struck in the Maundy Thursday* readings by Jesus’ dismissal of hierarchy in John 13. He says baldly, “I tell you, servants are not greater than their master, nor are messengers greater than the one who sent them.” In washing the feet of his friends, he establishes once and for all that hierarchy has no place in his Kindom. He tells them and us that we should follow his example of sacred service, of the dignity of every human, of undoing and resisting hierachies and domination systems of all kinds. 

It’s a beautiful, countercultural message. Everything we think we knew about how the world works, Jesus unravels with a basin of water and a simple act of care.

God, you have shown us your love
And your nature,
In the person of Christ,
Who washed the feet of his friends (1),

*See also “Litany for Maundy Thursday” from 2016 Year A

Eastertide 7: Litany for Resurrection Unity

Hi! As you may have noticed,
I’ve moved much of my work over to Patreon.
This is part of my effort to make 2019 a #yearofwritingsustainably
So thanks for reading and subscribing.

I’m ruminating on Jesus prayer/plea to Yahweh in John 17 (this week's Lectionary Gospel selection) for unity among his followers and among future generations of followers. I believe that, as Christ requested, we are one with God, invited into the Trinity, included in action and the love. In Christ, we learn what God looks like: relational, loving, unifying, inclusive. So I’m inviting us to pray into Jesus’ vision for unity and a new paradigm of being together in the world. And into the "right action" that true unity and shared love will reliably provoke us to.

God, we know that with the beginning of Resurrection,
Whose first fruit was Christ Jesus,
A new paradigm was established and articulated in the world -
A whole host of new possibilities -
One of the best of which is the hope of unity
Which Christ prayed and advocated for

Eastertide 6 (Year C): Litany for Resurrection Glory

Hi! As you may have noticed,
I’ve moved much of my work over to Patreon.
This is part of my effort to make 2019 a #yearofwritingsustainably
So thanks for reading and subscribing.

Now here’s a Christian-ese word: glory. Ok. If you are off-put by this word because it has lost its meaning for you, let me tell you how I think of it: Beauty and Light. That’s all. The intense beauty and light that emanates from the Source of all that is.  

God, the light of your glory shines on all humanity
And on all creation.
The beauty and light that you generate
Lights our path,
Shines on our faces,
Glows from within us…

Eastertide 5 (Year C): Litany for Resurrection Belonging

Hi! As you may have noticed,
I’ve moved much of my work over to Patreon.
This is part of my effort to make 2019 a #yearofwritingsustainably
So thanks for reading and subscribing.

I’m being bowled over newly by this week’s Lectionary selection. In part because I’m also simultaneously reading Richard Rohr’s newest book _The Universal Christ_, so I’m already riding Saint Peter’s wave in Acts 11. Peter has a dream that God tells him to eat food (animals, in this case) that his Jewish faith considers unclean or taboo, and subsequently gets a lesson in the universality of God’s love and presence. No race or people group is outside the scope of the Creator’s love and image. 

And then the Psalm for the week (149) reinforces the message, lumping in the heavenly bodies, the weather phenomena, landscapes, animals and creepy crawly things; with people of all descriptions, ages, and power-levels - in short EVERYTHING - together as things that reflect the divine image. Things that “praise” God. 

Stones sing God’s song. Animals and earth sing God’s song. People sing God’s song. Black people. Brown people. White people. Male people. Female people. Non-binary people. Industrialized people. Nomadic people. Indigenous people. And on and on. Every unique characteristic is glory. Everything belongs inside resurrection. 

God, we know that the Christ was already here,
Even before Jesus came along (1).
And now that Christ was revealed in human form,
We know he’s in us….

Eastertide 2, 3, 4 (Year C)

Hi! As you may have noticed,
I’ve moved much of my work over to Patreon.
This is part of my effort to make 2019 a #yearofwritingsustainably
So thanks for reading and subscribing.

Hello folks,
I’m preparing ahead for some upcoming travel and conferencing, so Lectionary litanies for the second thru fourth Sundays of Easter are up on Patreon. I’m really liking how this “Resurrection” Series is turning out.


I think I’m perhaps doing some of my best work. You can tell me what you think if you’d like to hop on my Patreon train.

Easter Sunday (Year C): Litany for Resurrection Flow

Hello! I’m happy to be sharing my Easter Sunday, which I happen to really like this year. If you haven’t taken advantage of my Patreon, it’s easy to jump in. Thanks for reading. And may the Peace of
Christ be upon you this Holy Week.

Oh God, we can feel the joy and wonder of Mary Magdalene, Joanna, and Mary (1)
As they shared the story of the empty tomb.
We share in their excitement, not because of pious ideas about personal salvation,
But because the resurrection they preached is still happening now!

Easter 6 (Year B): Litany for Lasting Fruit

This litany is taken from a reading of John 15, which is part of the Lectionary selection for 5/6/18. In particular this verse:
"You did not choose me but I chose you. And I appointed you to go and bear fruit, fruit that will last, so that the Father will give you whatever you ask him in my name." (John 15:16)


God, in Christ you let us in on your Grand Plan. (1)
You shared your heart with us,
And invited us in to be part of your agenda:
Part of the healing.

You didn’t set up barriers - not to baptism, nor the table, nor forgiveness, nor community
You tore them down!
You ripped down the temple dividers (2).
You flung open doors.
You set up a new paradigm for faith
And a new benchmark for success:

Which is love.
Always love. (3)

We want to do things for you:
Beautiful things.
We want to create things for you:
Things that last.

So help us, God, to do small things with great love (4),
And great things with great love;
And lasting things that create love,
And creative things that love well and long.


  1. John 15:9

  2. Matthew 27:51

  3. John 15:12

  4. From a quote attributed to Mother Teresa: 'Do small things with great love'

Easter 5 (Year B): Litany for Abiding in Love

This litany is based on a reading of the Lectionary selections for the Fifth Sunday in Easter.


God, you put us here on earth as embodied human beings,
For your glory and our learning.
We experience you in all kinds of ways:
    In nature,
    In relationships,
    In community,
    In silence,
    In sacredness.

You dropped a lot of hints about yourself along the way,
     From stone tablets to still, small voices,
     From prophets to angel messengers,
     From rainbows to rescues.
Then you sent Christ Jesus, the epitome of you, to teach us about yourself,
     About your love,
     About forgiveness,
     And about resurrection.

Let us love one another,
Because love is from God;
Everyone who loves is born of God and knows God.
God is Love. You are Love. (1)
As Christ abides in you, and we abide in Christ, ()
So we abide in Love.

We meditate on all we’ve learned of you,
And we meditate on the life and work of Christ;
Asking that we may know more deeply, more fully,
The Love in which we abide.


1) 1 John 4:7,8
2) John 15:4


Easter 4 (Year B): Litany for the Good Shepherd

This litany is taken from a reading of the Lectionary passages for the 4th week of Eastertide, Year B. You can also find Litany for Sheep here.

The Lord is our Shepherd
We lack for nothing. (1)
You are the Good Shepherd.
The Good Shepherd lays down his life for the sheep. (2)

As Christ has laid down his life for us
So we ought to lay down our lives for one another (2).

Beloved, let us love, not in word or speech,
But in truth and action.
By this we will be reassured:
That we believe in Christ Jesus,
And that we love one another
Just as Christ has commanded.

For the Good Shepherd has taught us by his good example:
To share with those in need (3),
To bring the outsider in (4),
To abide in the Spirit (5),
To lay down our own agendas,
To take up Love’s agenda. (6)

Lead us, Good Shepherd,
Into green pastures,
Beside still waters;
And restore our souls to your peace. (7)


1) Psalm 23:1
2) 1 John 3:16-18
3) 1 John 3:17
4) John 10:16
5) 1 John 3:24
6) John 10:17
7) Psalm 23:1-3