Litany for Retreat

*This litany was originally written for a retreat for gathered worship leaders in the Vineyard movement, of which I am a part. The congregational refrain is the simple "hallelujah." I think this lends itself to various types of retreats for both leaders and lay-folk.

Oh God, we are reminded that You are the Author of work, rest, and play.
We recognize our being made in Your image, having need of all three.
With consciousness and intention, we now set aside our daily tasks and make space for relaxation, revival, and enjoyment.
We breathe deeply of Your presence, and drink deeply of Your delight.
We pray for open ears and soft hearts, that we might hear Your renewed calling on our lives and be willing to accept it.
We soak in the freedom and joy of being among people who share in our passions.
May we emerge from our respite with clean hands, pure hearts, and steadfast spirits.
At the end of our rest, may we re-enter our ministries with refreshed balance, purpose, energy, and clarity.


Litany for New Year’s Day

Faithful God, we look back on the year behind us and appreciate Your presence with us through it. We look ahead at the year before us with hope, and anticipate Your continuing love and the fulfillment of your promises.

In this new year, grant that we may become
more faithful
more committed to your kingdom work
more knowledgeable of your ways
more familiar with your spirit
more pliant to your instruction
more willing to give of ourselves to others

We pray for increase
of love
of storehouses full of good things to share
of relational harmony and peace
of health
of meaningful work
of balance among work, play, and rest
of personal growth and wisdom
of grateful hearts
and most of all, of your presence and power among us.

May we hear your voice more clearly, and heed it.
May we be aware of the limits of our understanding, and work to expand them.
May the words of Christ dwell in us richly.
May we be vigilant for those around us who are in need and tend to them.
May we experience anew the rebirth and resurrection life of Jesus.
May we complete the tasks you set before us, love well those souls you give to our care, and make good use of the time we are given on the earth.

We are grateful for Your love, kindness, and care.


Litany for Those Who Dislike Their Jobs

You, God, created work.
You worked, and you rested, and you called it good.

We acknowledge our dissatisfaction with the work in front of us now.
We acknowledge that all honest work is good work.
We acknowledge the ways our hearts desire meaning and fulfillment from our work.
We acknowledge our desire to be useful in the world, and our hope of a legacy.

Help us to be patient when we must be patient.
Help us to make change at the proper time.
Help us to be faithful with a little, so that we may be granted more later.
Help us to care for those around us now, whom you have placed inside our sphere of influence, if only temporarily.
Help us to discern what is acceptable discomfort, and what is destructive.
Help us to discern whether it is our attitude or our situation that requires change.

Bring to us peace and prosperity, in whatever form You choose. We offer to you our health: emotional, physical, financial, relational, spiritual.  May your hand be upon us.

May we say with truth, “I am content in whatever my circumstances,” and “I have run with perseverance the race marked out before me.”
May we press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called us heavenward in Christ Jesus.
May we be rich in good works, generous and ready to share.

May our work please you, and may it bring us joy.
